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Back to School: Tips to Help Kids Have a Healthy Year
August 22, 2022 By

Children are more likely to learn, thrive and develop appropriately and thrive when attending school in-person, alongside their peers. As classrooms reopen this fall, families can take steps to help keep their students healthy and in school. 

  • The basics: sleep, exercise & nutrition

  • Stay up to date on immunizations & checkups

  • Keeping COVID under control

  • Stay tuned in to your child's mental health

  • Talk about racism, bullying & kindness

  • Plan for mindful media use


Remember, Children are resilient and can overcome many challenges with the help of trusted adults around them. Talk with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns about your child's health as the school year starts.


Learning During


An ADHD Perspective

February 18, 2022 by Fall Hill Pediatrics


Changes in a regular routine can be difficult for any child, especially the amount and frequency of changes that come with keeping everyone as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have a child, or children, with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) you may notice they face some extra challenges. 

Lots of kids have times when their behavior seems difficult to manage. But children with ADHD have frequent and severe symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. They also struggle with "executive function skills" organizing which tasks to start first, managing their time, finishing a task, and keeping track of tools for the task.​


Here are some ways to help your child with ADHD manage challenges during the pandemic:

  • If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), supports that are in their written plan should continue. 

  • With new teaching methods, some students may need new or different accommodations.

  • If your child's schooling stays remote and there is no set time to log in, you can let your student choose the time that is best for them. It may help if the student makes a visual schedule and checklist based on each day's tasks.

  • ​When structuring the day, try alternating school work your child finds less appealing with the motivation of more enjoyable activities.

  • With virtual learning, remind your child to take movement breaks between tasks.

  • Use positive attention​, focusing on your child's strengths and efforts.

  • ​Many students have difficulty learning new information in stressful times.

  • Parents can also ask teachers what videos or web sites they recommend to help students break new information into smaller parts.

  • School systems and teachers have also been taxed trying to adjust to changed learning environments. If you feel your child is not supported well enough in this new setting, reach out to your school's learning specialist, principal, or superintendent to advocate for your child's rights. Your pediatrician can support you in this as needed.

Having a Baby While Positive For COVID-19: FAQs

January 12, 2022 by Fall Hill Pediatrics


It's common for expectant parents to have questions about making sure their newborn is healthy during and after delivery in the hospital. But what if you are delivering a baby soon and have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19?


  • If I have COVID-19 when I have my baby, will my newborn be sick?

                  ​So far, very few babies born to mothers with COVID-19 test positive for the virus in the first few days


  • If I test positive for COVID-19, will my partner be able to be in the delivery room when I have my baby?

                  ​Based on the latest evidence, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports allowing women with COVID-19                   ​  to have their partner with them while they labor and give birth.


  • What will happen right after my baby is born?

                  ​Your infant will receive all the usual care in the moments right after birth​


  • Can my well newborn stay in my hospital room if I have COVID-19?

                  ​When steps are taken to prevent the virus from spreading, mothers and babies can safely stay together. It is also                   ​      safe and good for you to breastfeed your baby. Wear a cloth face covering and wash your hands or use hand                   ​             sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol whenever you directly care for your baby​


  • Should my newborn be tested for COVID-19 at the hospital?

                  ​Yes, if testing is available. Newborns of mothers who have COVID-19 are usually tested 24 hours and 48 hours after                    they are born.​


  • Can I visit my baby if a stay in the NICU is needed?

                  ​During the pandemic, most neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are limiting visitors to help protect infants from                        catching the virus.​


  • What about after I head home with my new baby?

                  ​Once you are home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before holding or touching your                    baby. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.​



We continue to learn more about how COVID-19 affects babies before, during and after delivery. If you have any questions about your newborn's health during COVID-19, call your pediatrician. Regular checkups with your doctor are important to make sure your baby's development is on track, to talk about nutrition and behavior, and to get the vaccines your baby needs to stay healthy. It's safe and your pediatrician wants to hear from you.

10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy School Year

September 7, 2021 by Fall Hill Pediatrics

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Summer has come to an end and everyone is preparing for back to school, but this year is very different. Here are 10 tips to help keep you and your family as safe as possible.


  1. Keep up with all infection prevention measures

  2. Always consider your families circumstance and needs


  4. Share how you're feeling

  5. Take time to get acclimated, and re-acclimated

  6. Develop a good school year schedule and stick to it

  7. Keep lines of communication open

  8. Perform daily health checks

  9. Get your vaccines, if eligible



For more detailed information on these great tips, please visit:


Mental Health During COVID-19

May 6, 2021 by Fall Hill Pediatrics

From the American Academy of Pediatrics:


"The stress created by the COVID-19 pandemic can wear any one down, but teens may have an especially hard time. In this Public Service Announcement, Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez offers advice for parents on when their teen may need more help."

For more on teen health during COVID-19, visit


Check out this video!


Staying Active & Eating Healthy During COVID-19

February 15, 2021 by Fall Hill Pediatrics


The COVID-19 pandemic has made life anything but ordinary, especially for our children.


With the transition to virtual learning, less activities outside of the home, and the interruption of routine, it's no wonder kids are moving less and snacking more. This pandemic has put more children at risk for childhood obesity and children with obesity are more likely to have problems if infected with COVID-19.


It is important to know you are not alone. Several parents are struggling to make sure their children eat healthy foods and stay active. Some things you can do:


  • Regular exercise to help cope with any stressors and stay healthy

  • Offering your children lots of fruits and veggies

  • Creating a schedule for meals and snack time

  • Keeping healthy options in your home

  • Motivate your children to move and spend less time in front of the screen

  • Model healthy habits


If your situation is too overwhelming or you would like additional resources, you can always ask your child's pediatrician for help. 


For more information and resources visit:

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