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1123 Heatherstone Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
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Currently NOT accepting New Patients just Newborns (NB/NICU Babies)
As you prepare for your new baby please feel free to give us a call to schedule your newborn appointment.
If you have already chosen us as your pediatrician simply let the hospital know upon admission for delivery. You should expect to see us a few days after discharge for a follow-up. Also please make sure to bring your photo ID and insurance information for your new baby.
Our Monthly Schedule

Resources & Forms
Websites we like:
- (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- (Vaccine Education Center)
Download our Personal Vaccine Schedule
Here you will find our New Patient Forms.
In order to print these forms, download them to your computer and then print. If you print them straight from the website, it may cut off parts of the forms. If you have difficulties, these forms are available upon arrival to the office.
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